Terrorist arrested from Delhi exposed Pakistan's pole, said- ISI was involved in 2009 Jammu blasts - Bharat news, bharat rajniti news, uttar pradesh news, India news in hindi, today varanasi newsIndia News (भारत समाचार): India News,world news, India Latest And Breaking News, United states of amerika, united kingdom


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बुधवार, 13 अक्टूबर 2021

Terrorist arrested from Delhi exposed Pakistan's pole, said- ISI was involved in 2009 Jammu blasts

Pakistan's notorious intelligence agency ISI was involved in the 2009 bomb blast at Jammu Bus Stand. Pakistani terrorist Mohammad Ashraf, arrested from Delhi's Laxmi Nagar area, has disclosed this during interrogation. According to police sources, before the blasts outside the Delhi High Court in 2011, the same terrorist had also conducted recce of the premises. Though whether he was involved in the blast or not, it will be clear in the interrogation.
Around 2011, he made several reconnaissance of the police headquarters (old police headquarters) at ITO, but could not gather much information as the police did not allow people to stop outside the premises. Along with this, he also sent information about ISBT to his masters in Pakistan. At present, the investigating agencies are questioning him whether he was involved in any blast in Delhi.

Ashraf made many important revelations

Inquiries so far have revealed that in 2009 there was a blast at the Jammu bus stand, in which 3-4 people were killed, which was carried out at the behest of ISI officer Nasir.

Ashraf revealed that two Pakistanis had come to carry out the Delhi High Court blasts in 2011. One of them was named Ghulam Sarwar. He confessed to his involvement in the brutal killing of 5 Army personnel in Jammu and Kashmir.

Ashraf said that at the behest of ISI officer Nasir, he had gone to Jammu and Kashmir several times to supply arms. He further revealed that he always used to communicate with ISI officials through e-mails.

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