Punjab: Not even in Congress, Sidhu's pulse? Party can accept resignation from the post of President - Bharat news, bharat rajniti news, uttar pradesh news, India news in hindi, today varanasi newsIndia News (भारत समाचार): India News,world news, India Latest And Breaking News, United states of amerika, united kingdom


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मंगलवार, 12 अक्टूबर 2021

Punjab: Not even in Congress, Sidhu's pulse? Party can accept resignation from the post of President

Navjot Singh Sidhu had recently resigned from the post of Punjab Congress Committee President. However, the Congress high command has not taken a final decision on his offer. Now news is coming that the party may accept Sidhu's resignation. With Sidhu's continuing deteriorating relations with his allies including Chief Minister Charanjit Channi, the party may soon announce a new state president.

According to the Times of India report, sources say that the party may accept the resignation that Sidhu had given a few days back. Let us tell you that he announced this through social media. The party has shown no mercy to his public resignation and repeated remarks.

A source said, “The resignation given by Sidhu can be accepted. The party is looking for possible candidates. However, it is still an open issue."

If the Congress indeed removes Sidhu as the president of Punjab, it will be a turning point in the political events of the state in the last few months. Let us tell you that due to constant differences with Sidhu, the then CM Amarinder Singh had resigned from his post. He also made many serious allegations against Sidhu.

If Sidhu is removed from the post of Congress state president, all eyes will be on his next step. He still has options outside Congress. He had written in his resignation letter that he would continue to work for the party. Later, in a tweet, he had also confirmed his loyalty to the Congress. He also praised Priyanka Gandhi for her combative stand on the Lakhimpur Kheri violence in UP. Sidhu led a march along with party MLAs and ministers to Kheri, which has made an impact.

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