Punjab, Andhra and Tamil Nadu became headache for BJP, despite many experiments, land is not being built - Bharat news, bharat rajniti news, uttar pradesh news, India news in hindi, today varanasi newsIndia News (भारत समाचार): India News,world news, India Latest And Breaking News, United states of amerika, united kingdom


अन्य विधानसभा क्षेत्र

बेहट नकुड़ सहारनपुर नगर सहारनपुर देवबंद रामपुर मनिहारन गंगोह कैराना थानाभवन शामली बुढ़ाना चरथावल पुरकाजी मुजफ्फरनगर खतौली मीरापुर नजीबाबाद नगीना बढ़ापुर धामपुर नहटौर बिजनौर चांदपुर नूरपुर कांठ ठाकुरद्वारा मुरादाबाद ग्रामीण कुंदरकी मुरादाबाद नगर बिलारी चंदौसी असमोली संभल स्वार चमरौआ बिलासपुर रामपुर मिलक धनौरा नौगावां सादात

सोमवार, 13 सितंबर 2021

Punjab, Andhra and Tamil Nadu became headache for BJP, despite many experiments, land is not being built

Three states remain the most difficult for the BJP, despite being said to have its wide reach and power in most states of the country over the years. These include Punjab, Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu. The equations of these three states are not able to sit according to the BJP and its central leadership is also not getting great acceptance in these states. For these states, the party is making a new strategy in collaboration with the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, so that it can strengthen its roots here in the coming years.

The BJP has made its wide spread in different parts of the country after forming the government at the Center under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi in 2014. It has completely ousted the Congress from power in the northeastern states and is in power either by itself or its allies in most of the states. It has kept its hold strong in Jammu and Kashmir. First it won power with the PDP and now it is also getting stronger in both the union territories formed after the abolition of Article 370. In Telangana too, the party is fast gaining its roots. Even though the power equation in Kerala is not in her favour, she is not letting her position as an organization weaken.

Working on a new strategy in Tamil Nadu:

Andhra Pradesh, Punjab, and Tamil Nadu are the states where the magic of its central leadership is not working. The state unit is also far behind in comparison to other parties. In Tamil Nadu, the bastion of Dravidian politics, the BJP's many experiments, and many changes have not been able to bring it into the mainstream politics of the state. Even now, it is able to run on one or the other major Dravidian party. However, the party has started working on a new strategy there.

Lonely lying before elections in Punjab:

In Punjab, the BJP has not been able to expand in the state due to being in the role of a younger brother with the Akali Dal for a long time. Now that elections are to be held in the state next year, after separating from the Akali Dal, it is facing a crisis of its existence. No leader can say with confidence as to what his presence will be in the future Punjab Assembly. A prominent party leader has said that the BJP in the state is now preparing to strengthen itself on the lines of Haryana, although it will take time for this work. She is working on her specific strategy for some sectors in view of 2024.

Not in Andhra, no public penetration:

In Andhra Pradesh, the BJP is yet to find a place in local politics. The state organization of the party has not been very successful here depending on the central leadership. He is not able to fit even in social and caste equations. It does not even have any party with which it can form an alliance. In the past experiments with Telugu Desam, he has not got a chance to make his ground. He is not comfortable with BYSRCP as well. In such a situation, it is very difficult for him to make a separate place for himself.

A further strategy is being made with the help of Sangh:

According to sources, the biggest problem of the BJP in these three states is that there has not been much enthusiasm among the people about its central leadership, which it has been getting in other states. In such a situation, even his state leadership has not got much success. Now the BJP is preparing here under a new strategy, in which the Sangh will also have an important role.

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