Taliban taking revenge? Afghan-origin Indian businessman kidnapped in broad daylight at gunpoint in Kabul - Bharat news, bharat rajniti news, uttar pradesh news, India news in hindi, today varanasi newsIndia News (भारत समाचार): India News,world news, India Latest And Breaking News, United states of amerika, united kingdom


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बुधवार, 15 सितंबर 2021

Taliban taking revenge? Afghan-origin Indian businessman kidnapped in broad daylight at gunpoint in Kabul

The Taliban's havoc continues with the return of Afghanistan to power. The Taliban is selectively taking revenge on its opponents. In this sequence, an Indian citizen of Afghan origin has been kidnapped near his shop at gunpoint in Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan. It is believed that the Taliban have kidnapped an Indian citizen. However, now the Government of India has been contacted regarding this incident.

Indian World Forum President Puneet Singh Chandok said on Tuesday that he has approached the Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India, to intervene in the matter. He said he has been informed by the Afghan Hindu-Sikh community that Bansari Lal Arende (50), an Indian national of Afghan origin, was abducted from near his shop in Kabul at around 8 am on Monday.

Chandok told that Bansari Lal is a businessman of pharmaceutical products and at the time of this incident he was indulging in normal routine at his shop along with his employees. They told that Bansari Lal was abducted along with his employees, but his staff somehow managed to escape, though he was brutally beaten up by the kidnappers. Bansari Lal's family lives in Delhi.

Chandok said that the local community is in touch with the concerned authorities and the local investigative agencies have registered a case in this regard. He said that as per his friends, searches were conducted during the day to trace Bansari Lal. Chandok said that he has informed the Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India regarding the matter and immediate intervention and assistance has been requested in this regard.

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