Disaster on life! acute shortage of essential medicines in Afghanistan; Trucks laden with medical equipment are not getting entry on the border - Bharat news, bharat rajniti news, uttar pradesh news, India news in hindi, today varanasi newsIndia News (भारत समाचार): India News,world news, India Latest And Breaking News, United states of amerika, united kingdom


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रविवार, 17 अक्टूबर 2021

Disaster on life! acute shortage of essential medicines in Afghanistan; Trucks laden with medical equipment are not getting entry on the border

It has been more than two months since the Taliban took control of Afghanistan. Now there is a shortage of essential medicines in the country. The owners of the Pharmacy Union of Afghanistan have said that more than 50 trucks carrying essential medical goods have been stopped near the borders for unknown reasons.
According to local media reports, due to non-entry of trucks parked on the border, the problem of medical supplies has arisen here and it may become bigger in the coming days.

'TOLO news' has said in a report that pharmacy organizations have warned that if these trucks are not allowed to enter the country, then by next month there could be a serious medical problem in the country. Azizullah Shafiq, a member of the union, said, “Medical factories are facing shortage of medicines and essential medicines are being used continuously. If this situation continues, then this problem in Afghanistan can become serious.

Afghanistan receives more and more medical supplies from abroad, which are vital to the country's medical system. Shahrukhullah, a resident of Kabul, said, 'The doctor gave me a prescription. I have been searching for medicine for three days but I have not found it. Essential medicines are not available.

The owners of the Madison factory say that due to non-availability of essential goods, production has stopped in some factories. Abdul Qarib Koshti, Chief Inspector of Medical Factories, said, “Flights are currently suspended and the customs department has stopped several trucks laden with medical products. Many factories do not have the necessary materials to make medicines, which has affected the production of medicines. Pharmacy owners say that their business has also been affected due to non-arrival of trucks.

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