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गुरुवार, 21 अक्टूबर 2021

Indian delegation meets Taliban in Moscow

A high-level delegation in the Interim Government of Afghanistan, led by Deputy Prime Minister Abdul Salam Hanafi, met representatives of the Government of India on Wednesday. This team has gone there on the special invitation of the Russian government during the Afghanistan conference being held in Moscow.
Taliban spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid said in a brief statement that the two delegations met on the sidelines of the conference. No official statement has been issued by the Government of India. See: this is how Afghan life is now India has already had formal talks with Taliban representatives. The last time such a meeting took place was in Doha when Indian Ambassador to Qatar Deepak Mittal met Taliban leader Sher Mohammad Abbas Stanikzai at the Indian embassy on August 31. Then the Indian Foreign Ministry issued a statement saying, "Today, India's Ambassador to Qatar Deepak Mittal met Sher Mohammad Abbas Stanikzai, the head of the Taliban's political office in Doha.

This meeting took place at the Embassy of India at the request of the Taliban. First contact at the official level The meeting in Moscow on Wednesday is the first formal contact between the two sides since the formation of the interim cabinet in Afghanistan. Afghanistan's news channel Tolo News quoted Mujahid as saying that India is ready to provide humanitarian aid to the war-torn country. According to Mujahid, both sides also emphasized on addressing each other's concerns and improving diplomatic and economic ties. This conference on Afghanistan was established in 2017 in Moscow. In this conference, the six parties get an opportunity to express their opinion on Afghanistan and consult each other. Apart from Russia, these sides include Afghanistan, India, Iran, China and Pakistan.

Since 2017, these countries have discussed this issue many times. In pictures: Glimpses of the new Afghanistan This is the first conference since the Taliban took over the government in Afghanistan, to which representatives of ten countries are invited. The Taliban captured Kabul on August 15 when NATO forces led by US forces were in the final stages of leaving after a two-decade-long campaign. Appeal for help In Moscow format, Afghan Deputy Prime Minister Hanafi urged the international community to recognize his interim government. This government also includes people who are on the black list of the United Nations. "It is not in anyone's interest to isolate Afghanistan. This has been proven before," Hanafi said, according to the Afghan news agency Kham Press. Hanafi urged the US to lift restrictions on the assets of the country's central bank.

These assets are worth about US $ 9.4 billion. Inaugurating the prisoner conference where prisoners have now become prisoners, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov expressed his regret for not participating in the US conference. He said, "We regret not coming to America. Hopefully it is not because of the principle problem and the reason is simply that America's special envoy to Afghanistan has changed." Lavrov said the time has come for the international community to provide financial, economic and humanitarian assistance to Afghanistan to avoid a humanitarian crisis and large-scale displacement. Report: Vivek Kumar (AP).

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