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बुधवार, 6 अक्तूबर 2021

Indo-Pacific region: America-Japan will face the challenges of China and North Korea together

Japan's new PM Fumio Kishida spoke to US President Joe Biden on the phone. The two countries agreed to cooperate in regional security in the wake of growing challenges from China and North Korea in the independent Indo-Pacific region.
Japan's new PM Fumio Kishida spoke to US President Joe Biden on the phone for the first time since taking office. The two leaders agreed to cooperate in an open and free Indo-Pacific region. The two leaders said they would strengthen the alliance between Japan and the United States and cooperate in regional security in the face of growing challenges from China and North Korea.

Also agreed on cooperation in an open and free Indo-Pacific region

Kishida was elected by parliament and was sworn in on Monday. He said Biden has assured him of protecting the Japanese-controlled island of Senkaku in the East China Sea. China also claims the island and has increased Coast Guard activity in the area. Kishida said Biden reiterated America's commitment to protecting Japan, including Senkaku.

He said the two leaders also reiterated their commitment to meet the challenges of China and North Korea together. Kishida is a supporter of strong Japan-US security ties and favors further deepening partnerships with like-minded Asian and European countries and the UK.

Opposition to change status quo in South-East Sea

Kishida has also pledged to enhance Japan's missile and naval capability. Kishida said dialogue will continue with China, which is an important neighbor and trading partner. Along with this, he said that China's efforts to change the status quo in the East and South China Sea should be opposed. Kishida also spoke to Australian PM Scott Morrison.

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