Now children below 16 years of age will not be able to use social media without parental approval - Bharat news, bharat rajniti news, uttar pradesh news, India news in hindi, today varanasi newsIndia News (भारत समाचार): India News,world news, India Latest And Breaking News, United states of amerika, united kingdom


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मंगलवार, 26 अक्टूबर 2021

Now children below 16 years of age will not be able to use social media without parental approval

Australia has taken the toughest step in the world to protect children from the ill effects of social media. Australia has prepared a new bill that will make it mandatory for social media platforms to seek parental approval before allowing children under the age of 16. As soon as this bill is passed by Parliament, other social media companies including Facebook and Instagram will be forced to verify the age of the users and get approval from the parents.
According to the draft bill published by the Australian government, companies allowing children in violation of the law may have to pay a fine of up to one crore rupees. According to the Australian Prime Minister's Assistant Minister for Mental Health and Suicide Prevention, David Coleman, the new bill will lead the world to protect children from social media companies. This change came after Facebook manager Frances Haugen's statement in which she said That- In case of conflict of public interest and company interest, his company will give priority to his own interest. Significantly, Australia has been appealing for the formation of an international regulator to control the Internet. Prior to this, the Parliament here has passed a law forcing Google and Facebook to pay for news content.

Why the need for a new bill:

The new bill has been brought to reduce the ill effects on children and strengthen the protection of privacy. The number of children in Australia vulnerable to stress and other mental illnesses is increasing rapidly. Minister Coleman said that there is no one reason for this, but he is sure that social media is also a reason. Attorney General Michaelia Cash said Australians are concerned about the security of personal data given to large companies. The new bill will ensure that companies become more responsible towards data and privacy.

Facebook response:

On Australia's new bill, Facebook's regional policy director Mia Garlick said her company has always been supportive of the privacy law. "We support international regulation on children's data, such as the UK's Age Appropriate Design Code," said Garlick.
Other major countries taking strictness


Britain introduced a bill to curb social media this year. Under this, it is necessary to identify the age of the users in case of material released on social media being morally, physically or mentally harmful to children.


Live streaming of children under 16 is banned on social media in China. Children's access to online video content was restricted. Apart from this, all social media content is closely monitored.


The Children's Online Privacy Act has been in force in the US since 1998. This law ensures the privacy of children and the protection of their data. Facebook founder Mark Zucker Berg was only 14 years old when this law was enacted. Under the same law, the US this year fined YouTube $ 170 million for profiling children based on browsing activity. However, there is a demand to make the law more strict.

Preparation for strictness in India:

Personal Data Protection Bill has been prepared in India, in which provisions have been made regarding the privacy and data of children. But there are no strict rules to prevent children from using social media. A survey conducted by the National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR) found that 37.8 per cent of children under the age of 10 in India have their own Facebook account and 24.3% have an Instagram account. A large number of children's personal data is also shared on the Internet, threatening their privacy and security. According to UNICEF, one in every three Internet users in the world is a child.

Five major disadvantages of social media

1-Children's mind is very fickle and their thinking and behavior can be easily changed on social media. 
2- Children may be exposed to pornographic, harmful or pornographic websites through social media platforms.

3-Cyber ​​bullying has also increased a lot. Cyberbullying has a dangerous effect on the behavior and personality of children.
4- Spending time on social media has a negative effect on the education of children, often children get addicted to social media.

5-Liking posts, replying to messages and chatting with friends has an effect on children's mental health.

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