Tension increased in France and Britain, why they are openly threatening each other, understand the dispute - Bharat news, bharat rajniti news, uttar pradesh news, India news in hindi, today varanasi newsIndia News (भारत समाचार): India News,world news, India Latest And Breaking News, United states of amerika, united kingdom


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शुक्रवार, 29 अक्टूबर 2021

Tension increased in France and Britain, why they are openly threatening each other, understand the dispute

Tensions have increased between France and Britain. Britain has retaliated on the threat to stop the French ship. He said that if France escalates a dispute over fishing boat licenses and threatens to impose sanctions, it will also be retaliated. Although earlier the French government had threatened That if the dispute is not resolved after Brexit, then from next week British ships will be barred from coming to some ports.
Paris even said President Emmanuel Macron's administration could restrict energy supplies to the Channel Islands. At the same time, 10 Downing Street said the threats did not appear to be in accordance with international law and that if Paris did not back down, it would also be punished with appropriate and retaliatory action.

Dozens of licenses denied

Relations between London and Paris have deteriorated sharply since Britain left the European Union at the start of the new year. France was angered last month by a decision by Britain and Jersey. In this he denied the licenses of dozens of French boats for fishing in their waters. The reasoning behind this was that it violates the Brexit agreement.

Accused of acting unequally

Jersey is only 14 miles from the French coast. Although it is completely dependent on the United Kingdom. Jersey itself decides who will get permission to fish in its waters. However, it grants licenses based on the interpretation of the UK-EU trade agreement. On the other hand, Jersey has also accused France of acting unequally.

United Kingdom issued licenses

French government spokesman Gabriel Attal said after several weeks of negotiations, British authorities had issued more fishing licenses, but according to France, it was still only 50 percent. He said he would stop British boats from some ports if a license agreement is not reached by Tuesday. Along with this, the investigation will be tightened on ships traveling between France and Britain.

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