Russia: President Vladimir Putin got a booster dose against Covid-19, got the vaccine in June - Bharat news, bharat rajniti news, uttar pradesh news, India news in hindi, today varanasi newsIndia News (भारत समाचार): India News,world news, India Latest And Breaking News, United states of amerika, united kingdom


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सोमवार, 22 नवंबर 2021

Russia: President Vladimir Putin got a booster dose against Covid-19, got the vaccine in June

Russian President Vladimir Putin confirmed the booster dose in a meeting with Denis Logunov, deputy director of the Gamalaya Research Center.
Russia President
Vaccines and booster doses are bringing relief amid the threat of a third wave of corona virus worldwide. Russian President Vladimir Putin announced on Sunday that he had administered a booster dose of the Sputnik Lite vaccine against Corona.

Russian news agencies said on Sunday that President Vladimir Putin has been given a booster dose of Sputnik Light against Covid-19. Russian President Vladimir Putin said in a meeting with Denis Logunov, deputy director of the Gamalaya Research Center, "Today based on the recommendations of you and your colleagues, I received another vaccine booster shot of Sputnik Lite."

The President said he was feeling well after the third shot. In response, Logunov said that the effectiveness of vaccination decreases six to eight months after taking the dose and that people need to take a booster dose to maintain a high level of protection against the virus.

In India too, a policy may be announced soon regarding the booster dose of Kovid vaccine. A senior member of the national task force has said that the priority will be to complete the adult immunization program first. The National Technical Advisory Group on Immunization will finalize the policies. However, team members say that the focus will be to ensure that all adult beneficiaries get at least the first dose by December 31.

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