Anupamaa Spoiler Alert: Vanraj threw mud on Anupama in front of the children, forced to leave the house - Bharat news, bharat rajniti news, uttar pradesh news, India news in hindi, today varanasi newsIndia News (भारत समाचार): India News,world news, India Latest And Breaking News, United states of amerika, united kingdom


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गुरुवार, 28 अक्टूबर 2021

Anupamaa Spoiler Alert: Vanraj threw mud on Anupama in front of the children, forced to leave the house

Anupama's (Rupali Ganguly) life is about to change forever as she has finally gathered the courage to say 'ab bus' to all those taunts, slander and anger and humiliation of the family members. Anupama has now decided to leave the Shah family's house and has also taken the decision to go ahead with her new journey. In the coming episodes, Anupama (Rupali Ganguly) will feel the freedom and happiness she has never felt before.
Anupama left the house of the Shah family

In the pre-cap of the show which is going viral on Instagram, it can be seen that Vanraj (Sudhanshu Pandey) insults Anupama in front of the entire family and children. Vanraj throws mud at Anupama and says – If you fall, you are Anupama and that is Anuj Kapadia (Gaurav Khanna), in that rain, in that night and in that room…. Hearing this, Anupama shouts at Vanraj and says, "There is a lot of respect, the ordeal is given to Rama, not to Ravana. shouts at this So Anupama pacifies them and says - Now if I stay in this house, then Kanha ji swears this house will not remain home. That's why I am leaving this house.

Very interesting upcoming episode

Now it has to be seen how Anupama's decision affects her family and especially her children in the upcoming episodes. Apart from this, it will be interesting to see where she will go after Anupama's decision to leave the house. Although the precap video has won the hearts of the audience.

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