NCB's witness Kiran Gosavi caught in Aryan case, was absconding in fraud case; Pune Police took action - Bharat news, bharat rajniti news, uttar pradesh news, India news in hindi, today varanasi newsIndia News (भारत समाचार): India News,world news, India Latest And Breaking News, United states of amerika, united kingdom


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गुरुवार, 28 अक्टूबर 2021

NCB's witness Kiran Gosavi caught in Aryan case, was absconding in fraud case; Pune Police took action

NCB witness Kiran Gosavi has been arrested in Aryan Khan drug case. Pune Police Commissioner has confirmed that the police have detained Kiran Gosavi, an independent witness of the NCB in the cruise party drug case. Pune Police says that Gosavi is being questioned in the fraud case. Gosavi, who is absconding after the Pune Police issued a lookout circular against him in the 2018 cheating case, had claimed that there was a threat to his life in Maharashtra.
Actually, Kiran Gosavi has been detained in 2018 in a fraud case, in which he was absconding. In 2019, Pune City Police declared him wanted. He was missing since then and was only seen as an NCB witness during the cruise raid. On October 14, the police had issued a lookout circular against him.

Meanwhile, NCB witness Kiran Gosavi has pleaded that at least one minister or any leader of opposition from Maharashtra should stand with me. At least they should request Mumbai Police what I am demanding (to issue CDR and chat of Prabhakar cell). Once his report comes, everything will be clear.

Actually, Kiran Gosavi is the one who was seen taking selfie with Aryan Khan. However, in this case he had earlier said that he would surrender in Lucknow. Gosavi's alleged driver and bouncer Prabhakar Cell had claimed that an NCB official, Gosavi and others had demanded Rs 25 crore in return for releasing Aryan.

After Prabhakar Cell's claim, NCB's independent witness Gosavi had said on Monday that he would soon surrender in Lucknow outside Maharashtra and everything would be clear. Gosavi had said that he was being threatened and calls were coming on Aryan Khan's arrest. On Prabhakar SAIL's allegation, Gosavi had said that all allegations are false, SAIL has fabricated stories and it is changing the direction of investigation.

Significantly, during Aryan Khan's custody, Gosavi was seen clicking a selfie with Shahrukh Khan's son. Gosavi is also a private detective. At the same time, the Pune Police was looking for Gosavi in ​​a fraud case. Now it has to be seen what Aryan Khan reveals on the issues related to the Gosavi police interrogation.

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