Before the arrival of Shahrukh Khan, son Aryan shifted to the special cell of the jail, only 15 minutes of conversation took place - Bharat news, bharat rajniti news, uttar pradesh news, India news in hindi, today varanasi newsIndia News (भारत समाचार): India News,world news, India Latest And Breaking News, United states of amerika, united kingdom


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बेहट नकुड़ सहारनपुर नगर सहारनपुर देवबंद रामपुर मनिहारन गंगोह कैराना थानाभवन शामली बुढ़ाना चरथावल पुरकाजी मुजफ्फरनगर खतौली मीरापुर नजीबाबाद नगीना बढ़ापुर धामपुर नहटौर बिजनौर चांदपुर नूरपुर कांठ ठाकुरद्वारा मुरादाबाद ग्रामीण कुंदरकी मुरादाबाद नगर बिलारी चंदौसी असमोली संभल स्वार चमरौआ बिलासपुर रामपुर मिलक धनौरा नौगावां सादात

गुरुवार, 21 अक्टूबर 2021

Before the arrival of Shahrukh Khan, son Aryan shifted to the special cell of the jail, only 15 minutes of conversation took place

Before the arrival of Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan, his son Aryan Khan was shifted to the special cell of Arthur Road Jail on Thursday. Shahrukh had reached Arthur Road Jail to meet his son around 9:15 in the morning and left after about 15 minutes. When Shahrukh Khan reached Arthur Road Jail, there was a huge media crowd but he went straight inside with his security cordon without saying anything.

After the dismissal of the bail application...

Sources said that Aryan Khan has been shifted to a special cell after a special court of NDPS rejected his bail plea. Aryan Khan is accused of taking drugs at a rave party in a cruise. Aryan is currently in judicial custody. Aryan's lawyers have filed an appeal in the Mumbai High Court challenging the order of the special NDPS court, which will come up for hearing on October 26.

Enhanced security

In this case, Additional Solicitor General Anil Sin has informed the bench that the copy of the petition was not given to the NCB. On this, advocate Satish Maneshinde told that the electronic copy has been given to the agency and the physical copy will also be given soon. Apart from this, the bench has dismissed the hearing through video conferencing and said that the hearing will be held only in physical mode. Aryan was earlier imprisoned in the general barracks of the jail, however now his security has been beefed up and he has been moved to a special barrack where officials are monitoring him.

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