You have the right to protest, but you cannot block the roads; SC reprimands farmers - Bharat news, bharat rajniti news, uttar pradesh news, India news in hindi, today varanasi newsIndia News (भारत समाचार): India News,world news, India Latest And Breaking News, United states of amerika, united kingdom


अन्य विधानसभा क्षेत्र

बेहट नकुड़ सहारनपुर नगर सहारनपुर देवबंद रामपुर मनिहारन गंगोह कैराना थानाभवन शामली बुढ़ाना चरथावल पुरकाजी मुजफ्फरनगर खतौली मीरापुर नजीबाबाद नगीना बढ़ापुर धामपुर नहटौर बिजनौर चांदपुर नूरपुर कांठ ठाकुरद्वारा मुरादाबाद ग्रामीण कुंदरकी मुरादाबाद नगर बिलारी चंदौसी असमोली संभल स्वार चमरौआ बिलासपुर रामपुर मिलक धनौरा नौगावां सादात

गुरुवार, 21 अक्टूबर 2021

You have the right to protest, but you cannot block the roads; SC reprimands farmers

Hearing in the Supreme Court has been postponed in the case of farmers' agitation and demand for removal of farmers from the road. On highway jams by farmers, Supreme Court said that farmers have the right to protest but roads cannot be blocked indefinitely. The court asked the farmer unions to file their response on a plea seeking removal of the protesting farmers from the streets. The matter will now come up for hearing on December 7.
Hearing the matter, Justice SK Kaul of the Supreme Court said that the roads should be clear. He said that we cannot keep on framing laws again and again. You have the right to agitate, but you cannot block the road indefinitely. Now some solution has to be found. We have a problem with the issue of road jam.

In fact, the petitioner had demanded that the roads connecting Noida to Delhi are closed due to the farmers' agitation and due to this people are facing problems. These roads should be opened. However, in the last hearing, the Supreme Court had asked the central government why the roads are closed till now. There is no harm in protesting, but the roads should not be blocked.

It is worth noting that farmers of Haryana, Punjab and western Uttar Pradesh have been protesting in Delhi for the past several months against the three agricultural laws. Several rounds of talks have also taken place between the farmers' organization and the government. But till now the solution has not been found. The farmers are adamant on their demand to withdraw all the three laws. Farmers are agitating on the road along the borders with Delhi. Many roads leading to Delhi are closed due to the farmers' agitation. The biggest impact of this is on daily office goers, businessmen and other travelers. They have to resort to alternative routes.

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