North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un reduced his weight by 20 kg, claims intelligence agency - Bharat news, bharat rajniti news, uttar pradesh news, India news in hindi, today varanasi newsIndia News (भारत समाचार): India News,world news, India Latest And Breaking News, United states of amerika, united kingdom


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शुक्रवार, 29 अक्टूबर 2021

North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un reduced his weight by 20 kg, claims intelligence agency

North Korean leader and dictator Kim Jong Un has lost about 20 kilos in recent days. South Korea's spy agency gave this information to lawmakers on Thursday. The agency said that Kim Jong is trying to fulfill his duty towards the public to deal with the deteriorating economic conditions. The agency has dismissed rumors of the North Korean leader using a body double.
The National Intelligence Service (NIS) gave this information during a parliamentary meeting. The two lawmakers involved said that he used artificial intelligence techniques, analysis of Kim's videos and other methods to investigate Kim's condition. Kim's health has received special attention in recent months as she has appeared quite thin in media photos and videos.

MP Kim Byung-ki said the NIS told a parliamentary session that Kim's weight had dropped from about 140 kg (308 lb) to 120 kg (264 lb). NIS previously stated that Kim is about 170 centimeters (five feet, eight inches) tall. She said Kim has been engaging in public activities for 70 days so far this year, a 45 percent increase compared to the same period last year.

There is often speculation about the health of 37-year-old Kim Jong Un. His public appearances are closely monitored, especially since his family has a history of heart disease. South Korean lawmakers said Kim Jong Un is looking to rally support as North Korea faces its worst food shortage in years. Kim has instructed officials to secure as much food as possible. According to Fitch Solutions, Kim Jong Un's decision to close the country's borders due to the corona virus has made the situation worse. Doing so has hurt the small business.

After the briefing of the spy agency, the opposition People's Power Party MP has said that it can be gauged from this that North Korea's trade with its main partner China has gone up to about $185 million from January to September this year, which is That's a third of a year ago.

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