Terror prevails only in Pakistan, lagging behind in the matter of rule of law; Know India's Status - Bharat news, bharat rajniti news, uttar pradesh news, India news in hindi, today varanasi newsIndia News (भारत समाचार): India News,world news, India Latest And Breaking News, United states of amerika, united kingdom


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बुधवार, 20 अक्टूबर 2021

Terror prevails only in Pakistan, lagging behind in the matter of rule of law; Know India's Status

How bad is the 'rule of law' situation in Pakistan can be gauged from the report of Rule of Law Index 2021. This report of the World Justice Project (WJP) states that Pakistan is ranked 130 out of 139 countries. Last year, Pakistan's rank was 120th. In South Asia, Pakistan is ahead of only Afghanistan in this matter. Denmark is at the top of the list.

The score for the Rule of Law Index 2021 ranged from 0 to 1, with 1 indicating the strongest adherence to the rule of law. According to the report of The News International, Pakistan achieved a poor score of 0.39. In the rule of law category, Nepal, Sri Lanka, India, Bangladesh have all performed better than Pakistan. According to the report, Pakistan has performed poorly in terms of corruption, fundamental rights, order and security, and regulatory enforcement. Even in these regions, Pakistan is the second worst-hit nation in South Asia. Pakistan ranks fourth out of a total of six regional countries in terms of criminal justice system, civil justice, open government and constraints on government powers.

Pakistan among the three worst countries in terms of security

Out of 139 countries globally, Pakistan is among the three worst-hit countries in terms of order and security. Pakistan has been assessed as 137th country out of 139 countries. According to the report, Pakistan is ranked 124th, 123rd, 126th and 123rd in civil justice, regulatory enforcement, fundamental rights and corruption respectively.

India ranked 79th in the list

India is ranked 79th in this list with 0.50 points. There has also been a decline in the rule of law as compared to last year. Last year India was ranked 69th in this list. India ranks 40th out of 139 countries in terms of open government. It is ranked 93rd in Fundamental Rights, 110th in Social Justice, 86th in Criminal Justice. Nepal is ranked 70th with 0.52 points, while Sri Lanka is 76th with 0.50 points. Bangladesh is ranked 124th with 0.40 points. China is ranked 98th with a score of 0.47.

five best countries
Rank            Country            Marks Gained

1.                 Denmark           0.90
2.                 Norway             0.90
3.                 Finland              0.88
4.                 Sweden             0.86
5.                 Germany           0.84

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