Uttar Pradesh news : Employees will get bonus before Diwali, outsourcing and contractual workers will get salary till November 1 - Bharat news, bharat rajniti news, uttar pradesh news, India news in hindi, today varanasi newsIndia News (भारत समाचार): India News,world news, India Latest And Breaking News, United states of amerika, united kingdom


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बेहट नकुड़ सहारनपुर नगर सहारनपुर देवबंद रामपुर मनिहारन गंगोह कैराना थानाभवन शामली बुढ़ाना चरथावल पुरकाजी मुजफ्फरनगर खतौली मीरापुर नजीबाबाद नगीना बढ़ापुर धामपुर नहटौर बिजनौर चांदपुर नूरपुर कांठ ठाकुरद्वारा मुरादाबाद ग्रामीण कुंदरकी मुरादाबाद नगर बिलारी चंदौसी असमोली संभल स्वार चमरौआ बिलासपुर रामपुर मिलक धनौरा नौगावां सादात

शुक्रवार, 29 अक्टूबर 2021

Uttar Pradesh news : Employees will get bonus before Diwali, outsourcing and contractual workers will get salary till November 1

On the instructions of Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, the government has given bonus gifts to about 14.82 lakh non-gazetted and daily wage workers of the state before Diwali. They will be given ad-hoc bonus of 30 days for 2020-21.

Its maximum amount is Rs 7000. The Finance Department has issued its mandate. At the same time, the Chief Secretary issued orders for payment of salary/honorarium for the month of October to all government, semi-government, contractual, outsourcing employees by November 1.

The payment of bonus will put a burden of Rs 1025 crore on the exchequer. All non-gazetted employees, work charged employees, state funded educational and technical educational institutions, who have completed a minimum of one year's service by 31st March, Employees of local bodies and daily wage workers will get the benefit of bonus.

75 percent of the bonus amount will be paid in the Provident Fund Account (GPF) while 25 percent will be paid in cash. Employees who are not members of GPF account will be given NSC by withdrawing the amount. Full cash bonus will be given to employees retiring after 31 March 2021 or by 30 April 2022.

Daily wage earner

The amount of ad-hoc bonus for daily wage workers has been fixed at Rs 1200. They will get Rs 1184. The amount of ad-hoc bonus of employees whose actual emoluments are less than Rs. 1200 per month will be decided on the basis of emoluments.

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