Where is the screw now stuck on the permission of the vaccine? WHO asked for more information from Bharat Biotech, said - cannot be in a hurry - Bharat news, bharat rajniti news, uttar pradesh news, India news in hindi, today varanasi newsIndia News (भारत समाचार): India News,world news, India Latest And Breaking News, United states of amerika, united kingdom


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मंगलवार, 19 अक्टूबर 2021

Where is the screw now stuck on the permission of the vaccine? WHO asked for more information from Bharat Biotech, said - cannot be in a hurry

The World Health Organization (WHO) has sought more information from Bharat Biotech about its Kovid-19 vaccine, Covaccine. The WHO said on Monday that it is expecting additional information from Bharat Biotech about the 'covaccine'. And she stresses that it needs to be thoroughly evaluated to make sure the vaccine is safe. And if it is not made in a hurry, only then can it be approved for emergency use.

Hyderabad-based Bharat Biotech, which developed the vaccine, submitted an EOI (expression of interest) for its vaccine to the World Health Organization on April 19. The Global Health Organization said in a tweet, 'We know that many people are waiting for the WHO recommendation to include the vaccine in the Kovid-19 Emergency Use List, but we cannot do so in a hurry.

The WHO further stated that before recommending a product for emergency use, we must thoroughly evaluate it to ensure that it is safe and effective. That said, vaccine manufacturer Bharat Biotech is providing data to WHO on a regular basis and these data have been reviewed by WHO experts. WHO is expecting an additional information from the company today.'

The WHO's tweet comes a day after its chief scientist Soumya Swaminathan said that the agency's technical advisory group will meet on October 26 to consider listing India's vaccine on the emergency use list. Covaccine is being used in the country's nationwide anti-COVID-19 vaccination programme.

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