Jihad Bhutto, 85, graduated - Bharat news, bharat rajniti news, uttar pradesh news, India news in hindi, today varanasi newsIndia News (भारत समाचार): India News,world news, India Latest And Breaking News, United states of amerika, united kingdom


अन्य विधानसभा क्षेत्र

बेहट नकुड़ सहारनपुर नगर सहारनपुर देवबंद रामपुर मनिहारन गंगोह कैराना थानाभवन शामली बुढ़ाना चरथावल पुरकाजी मुजफ्फरनगर खतौली मीरापुर नजीबाबाद नगीना बढ़ापुर धामपुर नहटौर बिजनौर चांदपुर नूरपुर कांठ ठाकुरद्वारा मुरादाबाद ग्रामीण कुंदरकी मुरादाबाद नगर बिलारी चंदौसी असमोली संभल स्वार चमरौआ बिलासपुर रामपुर मिलक धनौरा नौगावां सादात

मंगलवार, 19 अक्टूबर 2021

Jihad Bhutto, 85, graduated

Jihad Bhutto, who lives in Palestine, has graduated. He recently completed his degree in Kafr Bara, Israel. He had to wait 85 years for this degree. The children and grandchildren, grandchildren of 85-year-old Jihad Bhutto came to congratulate him. After all, this day had come after a long wait. Obviously, Bhutto was overjoyed. He achieved what he had always wished for. She graduated. When Jihad Bhutto was 12 years old, she had to leave her studies. In 1948, he left school but did not give up the desire to study.
On the basis of that desire, he started his studies again at the age of 81. Where he got education Bhutto enrolled in the Kafr Bara Center for Islamic Studies and started studying language, religion and mathematics. Four years later, her hard work paid off and she graduated. Teachers and officials were also feeling proud while giving them degrees. This event was special not only for Bhutto but also for the Centre. He had never given a degree to such a special student before. Bhutto says, "I got a chance to study. Whenever I get an opportunity to get an education, I grab it. Last time I took admission in Kafr Bara, everyone knew how much I love education. Was reading books, not course books.

Then someone told Bhutto about the course at the center and asked if she would like to do this course. There was no question of not doing it for Bhutto. She says, "He told me about the certificate and asked me whether to take admission. I said that wherever there is education, I will go there. Then two friends registered me. Got it done and I studied here." Example for everyone Jihad Bhutto, mother of seven, was an example in her class as well as for the students. "The teachers used to talk a lot about me," she says. He made me an example to other students. When I graduated, people asked the dean of the school if they helped me. The dean said, no, but on the contrary, I used to help other students on different subjects.

"Jihad Bhutto's campaign for education has not stopped. Now she is teaching the women of her community. Kafr Bara is a council in the Central District of Israel, with a majority Arab population. This town of about four thousand people has been part of Israel since 1948. Although it is a common town, it is often discussed about the steps taken for the promotion of education. The high school here has also been famous, where not only has excellent facilities for studies, but special facilities have been made available for autistic children. In middle and high school, it is the students who have been made the directors of these autistic children and they help the children in their learning. For this purpose, the council has hired a child specialist, who runs this scheme. Report: Vivek Kumar (Reuters).

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