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गुरुवार, 18 नवंबर 2021

Taiwan defies China, opens embassy in Lithuania

Taiwan has opened its embassy in Lithuania, defying China. China warned Taiwan not to open an embassy in Lithuania and not to maintain relations with Lithuania. But now Taiwan has opened its embassy in Lithuania, rejecting China's strong opposition.

China was troubled by the growing relationship between Taiwan and Lithuania. In August, China had asked Lithuania's ambassador to Beijing to return to the country and to call its ambassador from Vilnius. This was when Taiwan stated that its office in Lithuania would be called the Taiwanese Representative Office.

Beijing is also angered by Lithuania's decision to open its representative office in Taiwan. However, no date has been set for this yet. The Taiwan Foreign Ministry has said regarding the matter that the opening of the office will further strengthen the ties between Taiwan and Lithuania.

America and European countries have been using the name Taipei for the Taiwan office. China has stepped up efforts to get other countries to limit or cut off their talks with Taiwan altogether. Let us tell you that Taiwan has formal diplomatic relations with only 15 countries.

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